Gordon’s Thoughts
Mediums v Psychics?
A question I am regularly asked is, what is the difference between mediums and psychics? Something I have learned over the years is that all mediums are psychic to a degree, but not all psychics are mediums.
For many years now I have given workshops and teachings on how to improve your mediumship. I am always amazed at how many people wish to learn more about their gifts of healing, mediumship and even trance.
Healing Power of Spirit
Remember, the true purpose of mediumship is not only to prove that there is life after death, but also to heal the human heart from grief. This is why I always include practices in the art of healing in all my workshops.
Development Circles
It is my belief that all mediums should regularly sit in a development circle of some kind. It is in our circle where we learn to make a stronger link with the spirit and a firmer connection to the source.
messages from the other side
For more than thirty years now I have been giving messages to people from their loved-ones in the spirit world. In all that time I have passed tens of thousands of loving messages to those who have been stuck in the struggles of grief.
Pets & the Afterlife
Since the publication of my book, “Animal Magic.” People often ask me how their beloved pets are fairing in the afterlife.
The Spiritual Journey
For a long time now I have believed that the human existence is part of a much larger plan.
Spiritual Guides & Guardian Angels
More and more people today are becoming interested in spirit guides and guardian angels. I believe that it give great comfort to person to think that a higher power watches over them.