Messages from the other side
For more than thirty years now I have been giving messages to people from their loved ones in the spirit world. In all that time I have passed tens of thousands of loving messages to those who have been stuck in the struggles of grief.
It still pleases me no end and even astounds me, when words come through me which affect someone I have never seen before and lifts them out of the depth of their sadness and brings light back into their life - a life they often thought was over.
There are many people practicing mediumship today, probably more than ever before and as ever, not all will practice with true skills or ethics. But, none the less, the authentic mediums are always among us and are ever ready to serve the spirit to heal the hearts of the bereft with messages of love from the other side. I believe that the demonstrations of mediumship, which are given to the public are still exciting enough to bring more and more people to the teachings of the spirit and open their minds to the fact that we cannot die for the life of us and that there is more to our life than what we see, hear and touch etc.
In the years I have worked as a medium, I have loved to pass personal messages from beyond the veil from spirits to people and I thank God for giving me this gift as it is a true element of healing and compassion. If you ever get the opportunity to come along to one of the demonstrations I’m giving, I promise it will be filled with spiritual light and love.