Spiritual guides & guardian angels
More and more people today are becoming interested in spirit guides and guardian angels. I believe that it gives great comfort to a person to think that a higher power watches over them.
It has always been my experience that there has been someone, or something watching over me and not in a creepy way, Even as a child I had a certainty that there was a guardian above me that I could consult with when I felt afraid or lonely etc. I have come to learn that light beings, spirit guides and guardians are there for everyone who looks up or reaches out to them.
During my development in mediumship I experienced episodes of connection with my own guide who I know has been connected to me through all time and always will be. Some people think they have an Angel watching over them, others may call them the ascended masters or beings of light. It actually doesn’t matter, even if it is a higher part of your own mind? We all have a higher aspect of life watch over us, some of us have connected simply by asking them to guide us.