For a long time now I have believed that the human existence is part of a much larger plan. Every human episode is but a chapter in the book of your soul. During one of the many channelling session I gave to my students, my spirit guide came through and spoke to them about the journey of the soul, which caused everyone to sit in wonder at his beautiful descriptive message.
He spoke to them about every little detail of their lives being recorded in a soul-journal, which was housed in an eternal library. He asked everyone present to consider the life they were now in and said they should consider which section of the eternal library they would see their own soul-book belonging to.
One man asked the question of the guide that he didn’t know his purpose to which the gentle spirit replied. “But dear gentleman, you hold the pen, which writes the book of your soul and it is a book, which is only half written. You still have time to decide where you would like your book to be placed in the library of all life. Write with care and attention and tell truths to all who will be interested. Write every new word and phrase from your heart, be kind in your efforts but remember to also add some fun. When you are ready you will not need to ask discarnate spirits where your book belongs, instead, you will have the choice of where to place it with dignity and pride.”
I believe that we have many episodes and experiences of living and from each one we learn a little more. Eventually, we will lighten our mind and expand because of what we have learned. It is those of us who wake up and begin to understand that there is more to our existence than what we can see, touch, taste, smell, or hear. We are spirit in a material reality for a while, but this will change, as it must; it is our need to seek answers that will prepare us for what comes next and only those who have prepared will be ready for anything.