June Newsletter
It’s been quite a changeable month and not just with the weather. June has been mostly taken up by pottering around the garden and house, fixing things and completing little odd jobs here and there. I have had much relaxation and recouperation and put many things to rest.
In a book I wrote called, ‘Where Two Worlds Meet” I headed one of my chapters, “Summer Settles.”
I suppose I meant that this is the time of the year to relax and allow body and mind to regenerate in the warmer weather and rest a while before thing get up and running again.
I have honestly had a real clear-out of home and mind. I think as I progress in life, I am beginning to truly understand the things that matter most to me. During most of my adult life I have been connected to many organisations and societies etc. I believe I have done my time of serving others and am now concentration on self, family and real friends. It takes us all a while to know what’s important, so when you find it, go for it!
I think that during my time at home, many realisations have come up for me to look at and just like in the Spring time when I got rid of every material thing I didn’t use or need. I feel that now is the time to empty the cupboards of my mind and let go of the things that have been there too long.
I love that feeling of realisation when you begin to understand the next step on your path and things align in complete synchronicity the moment you get it.
So, Summer is helping me settle many things and let go of baggage I no longer wish to carry. I feel rested and ready to welcome whatever comes next with open arms.
I’m not going to be travelling as much next year, but I am happy to say that Jacqui and I are working on lots of new ideas for the future on Zoom and other exciting projects (watch this space!)
It never ceases to amaze me how we let go of something which has gone on too long, only to be guided towards a whole new beginning.
I must also thank all my students who have been with me on any of the online courses this month. There has been so many great moments of spiritual messages and healing produced.
June has been such a lovely month of healing, letting go and opening to creativity. I am most happy when I write or paint or do anything that allows me to let my creative juices flow. I believe when I create, new ideas are born and all at once I see threads of the future ahead.
Roll on the rest of the year; it’s time to look for the things that make you feel good about yourself and the journey you are on. There might be a lot of negativity in our news reports recently, but I still believe that, “the best is yet to come!”
Best Wishes Gordon