Gordon’s July Newsletter

This month began with such a change in the weather at home. The brilliant sunshine and hot temperatures in June were changed to a Scottish summer I am more used to. It rained and winds blew from all directions before calm cloudy sunsets brought days to a close. In many ways it felt nice to cool down a bit, as my last trip in June in Salzburg, the temperature rose to 34 degrees which was far too hot for my Scottish skin.

During the first week of July, I had quiet get-together with friends and had a very nice birthday lunch. The sixth of July always tells me I am another year older and hopefully wiser. I have rested my mind and body this month and tried to bring healing to myself as I prepare to take on the second half of the year.

 For my granddaughter, Katie Rose. She went off with her parents to Switzerland where she thoroughly enjoyed visiting the home of ‘Heidi,” where she even managed to buy the traditional clothes and dress as her little heroin . My joy was to have her visit on her return and share all her many stories of her time in the Alps. This was such a reminder that of all the things I experience in my very busy life, sometimes being home and sharing the joy of close family is a very precious jewel to treasure.

 I have always considered July to be a month of healing and have definitely embraced that in my many walks with the dogs in the great landscapes of Argyll. I have used this time to remind myself to enjoy and use all of my senses as I course over the land taking in sights, sounds, smells and even touching the plants and trees, remembering how fortunate I am to have the use of all of my senses.

This very much reminds me of a time in my early development when my spirit guide taught me to be mindful and take in everything which my senses could receive. His teaching was about using everything we have in this human life to its fullest and reminding us to truly experience the magic of the physical world.

I have also had time to paint and build up my collection of work to raise money for the charity I support, ‘Helping Parents Heal.’ I get so lost in my painting and love the escape into a more ethereal world which art allows me to walk through; it’s another way of meditating and destressing the mind. However, it is now time to clean the brushes and put the paints away for a while. Work is on the horizon and this tells me that July is coming to a close and I must get ready to leaving my inner sanctum and step out into the next episode of my spiritual work.

 As I prepare to move forward, I don’t ask what August will bring for me, but instead I look at what I can bring to this August and all that occurs in it. The most important message I take from July is rest is important, family and friends are strengthening forces in my life and I am ready to enjoy the next instalment of what is offered on my path.

I truly wish a happy next month for all of you. I hope it is filled with potential to discover new things and much enjoyment and appreciation of what you already bring to it.


Love and best wishes Gx



August with gordon


Gordon’s June Newsletter