August with gordon
The start of this month saw me teaching a course in Basel, which I must say went very well. My students were a great group of people who made it very easy to work and share my teachings. Being in Basel meant that I could visit the ‘Younity’ offices, where I was able to conduct a zoom session for my online students who have been doing my aura course. I find it strange that online teachings have become so much a part of my life now.
Though I love to travel and especially to my beloved Switzerland, it is always great to come home. I am a typical Cancerian who enjoys a home life, even though I am still not able to return to my own home right now, as it is being renovated. The very good news for me is that the work on the house has actually begun, which makes me very excited to look at new designs and ideas for the property. My fingers are tightly crossed that I will be able to get home before Christmas.
Being in my temporary home still allows me to walk in the hills and beautiful scenery of bonnie Argyll and this I do whenever I get a chance. August was so good for me to have some more time away from work and this allowed me to travel around this gorgeous place and take many pictures, which I hope to paint to keep building funds for the charity, Helping Parents Heal. I’m so happy to support this charity because I love how they as a group, take great care in helping so many families who have suffered the loss of a child. As a means to also assist in raising funds, this month saw the launch of my new sister website
All proceeds from the sales of my paintings and the events we launch from here are solely for this great charity. We’ve had an incredible response already with sales and I hope many of you will visit the website and consider helping us to sponsor families attend the next HPH conference in Phoenix Arizona in August 2024.
Last year I had a moment of strong inspiration and I felt compelled to create a painting of an angel for the charity, which turned out to raise thousands of dollars for the in funds for them. During this month I had another strong urge to pick up my brush and low and behold another angel was created. I really hope this one also generates funds to help families when we reveal it and it is presented to the founders.
Coming soon !
Even as I write this newsletter, I am preparing to head off to Sweden to give a demonstration of mediumship and take a two day teaching seminar in the fabulous Stockholm, where I know I will be well looked after by Rosemari, my organiser.
This has been a month of balance for me, as it has allowed me to travel with my work but also gave me lots of time to walk and paint and rest in perfect amounts.
I always think of the end of the summer as a time to get ready for the changes that autumn will bring when we move into next month. I truly hope that many good changes come into your lives.
Best wishes