April with Gordon
It was time for me to get out of the house and away from the boxes and bags of things that still required opening and get back on the road again! This meant flying out to Germany to take a class for my old friend Christa. I have worked in Christa’s seminars for the past several years and formed many friendships with the faithful students who attend almost every time.
It was good to get back to teaching in the same room as the students and feel the buzz they created in the room.
When you have done something for many years and then you are drawn away from it, the return tastes all the sweeter. It was great to watch the enthusiasm with which everybody worked and brought messages of healing and love to each other from their loved ones in the spirit world.
This was the perfect start to the new month for me and just a long weekend got me back into the way of things again!
I believe that working through the rest of April means I now have my house in order. I know it’s my house that I only left for a year, but it did take a while to truly feel the connection to the old house again. It made me think about our connection to places and what part of us goes into the very fabric of the home we live in?
Nevertheless, home is really where the heart is and that is what I am once again finding out. The décor and furnishings may appear to be new and different, but when you sit for a time on your own, you can genuinely pick up the vibration of the house beneath the facia. The feeling I got this month was, “welcome home”.
April also saw my friend Jim and I head off to London, where we met up with Jacqui for a couple of days in the Capital, before attending a memorial in Mayfair, to say bon voyage to and old friend who passed the earlier this year.
This was a special day filled with fitting tributes and stories which contained great anecdotes of episodes from her life. I enjoyed listening to others talk about what lies beyond death and celebrate a wonderful person who touched so many of our hearts and minds on her journey.
Back home in the last days of the month the weather was surprisingly kind to Bonnie Argyll, where I live and I was blessed with heat and gorgeous sunsets, which told me that summer was just around the corner. It reminds me that living and dying, meeting people and saying goodbye, is so very much like the seasons of the year; they remind us that change is inevitable and no one can hold on to any one season.
So, enjoy the next season and move with it. Let the summer take us where it must.
Remember, summer is the time of healing and growth!
Best Wishes G x