December 2023 with Gordon
The last month of the year always seems to me to give a sense of finishing up!
I arrived home from my last working trip in Switzerland on the first of the month, which meant I could put all my travelling to bed for another year.
We concluded efforts in fundraising for 2023 for our friends at Helping Parents Heal, which meant we were finally able to send them ten thousand dollars, to help families attend their annual conference next year.
I personally wish to thank so many friends who stepped in and helped us to raise money, especially the mediums who gladly came forward to give readings, all your efforts are truly appreciated.
I say a big thank you to my students who have joined me on zoom sessions this month and also to those who have taken part throughout the year. It is only when your work ends that you consider the many things you have done in a year, all the places you have been and many people you have crossed paths with and shared stories and accounts with. It is in this last month when we wind down that we reflect not only on the end of a month but the year which preceded it.
At the beginning of this year, I was living in my own house which was then still soaking wet and empty of most of my belongings. I remember how one year ago today on the last day of December I looked at all the stuff that was thrown out from my house into the garden. It felt very strange to see so many things laying in a pile on the ground and wonder where it all came from and what it all represented? As I moved into rented accommodation and put most of what remained into storage, I suddenly realised how little I required to get through a life.
Still living in rented accommodation, I continue to wait to see the repairs and completion of the restoration to my own house but at least I’m in a place that is dry and have exactly what I need. I have my family and friends and my two wonderful dogs who allow me to walk with them in the beautiful countryside around us, which is completely free. I have a good life that helps me to grow and in return I try to share what I have with others. I take the lessons from this year, good and difficult and allow my mind to grow because of them and build on making my attitude stronger; after all,
‘attitude is everything.’
It is with this developed thinking I shall aim at January and the New Year as it approaches. I shall begin 2024 with a positive mind and renewed spirit, knowing that I can shape my own version of the next episode of my life. I ask you all to lift your hearts and minds and continue to move forward with ‘positivity’ as your banner. With this I am reminded of the words said by my old friend, Louise Hay, when she told my friend and I, “As long as you’re in this world, nothing is to die for, it’s to live for!”
I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2024, make it the best year of your life.
Happy New Year!
Best wishes